Løkken Library

2016, Løkken, Denmark

At Løkken Library, the surrounding society meets the local school. With the fusion of library and learning spaces, students are connected to local and global activities that introduce practical perspectives to their education.

Urban planning, citizens' meetings, and local community debates are apparent topics for school projects, and with the physical overlap between school and public library, the students can easily engage in ongoing and relevant discussions.

With references to the waves of the ocean, we have created a library that sets a framework for differentiated learning situations. The library users can dive into an ‘ocean’ of books in the relaxing surroundings of the Sea. The youngest can relax with iPads or books in the Dunes, while students do homework at the screened study sites of the Garden.

The merger makes Løkken Library an arena for knowledge sharing and new encounters, where students and adult library visitors get an understanding of each other's everyday lives.