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Tiller High School in Norway Will Set New Standards for Learning

16 October 2017

Where Norway

16 October 2017

The Tiller school will be a role model for other schools in Norway when the school is transformed to support the latest innovations in learning and education. Together with the Sør-Trøndelag Municipality, Rosan Bosch Studio has created the manual, which forms the basis of the competition, where six architectural firms are competing to win the task of developing the school. Thus, it is Rosan Bosch Studio's responsibility to ensure that the school's vision is integrated into the physical surroundings of the school, as well as ensuring the quality.

"Students must develop their curiosity and they must learn to use their innate creativity to solve the tasks they encounter. It is important that the physical framework of schools doesn’t ‘lock’ the students into inflexible learning situations," Rosan Bosch explains, "It has been exciting to evaluate the architectural proposals and choosing the best proposal.”

The winner of the competition will be announced tomorrow, 5th of October 2017. Read more about our work on the project at DanishTM.