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04 December

Keynote on Improving Digital Learning at EdCrunch

With the boost in online education, educators are gaining valuable insights on both the possibilities as well of...

19 November

Presenting the New TNS Beaconhouse School Building

As a keynote speaker for this year’s virtual School of Tomorrow (SoT) Conference, Rosan Bosch will share the...

30 October

Talk on Creative Learning Spaces at Arts University Bournemouth

How can learners advance in creative fields when studio spaces and workshops are limited due to restrictions?...

28 October

Panelist on Wellbeing Summit by Tecmilenio University

Prioritizing welfare is crucial during the many pandemic safety restrictions. For the Wellbeing 360° Summit Rosan...

22 October

Panelist at Webinar Series hosted by Dr. Ger Graus OBE

How has the pandemic affected schools? In the webinar series #TheNewNormal, the esteemed Dr. Ger Graus OBE brings...

08 October

Keynote for “Education Transform People” by Mind Mingle

Leading women in education will gather for this year’s Mind Mingle Inspiration Festival. The online event presents...

23 September

Keynote on Innovation in Education for Innova Educa 21

New scenarios for learning are on the agenda across the globe – and also for this year’s Innova Educa 21. Rosan...

15 September

Introducing Up-Coming Book on Playful Learning Spaces

For her upcoming book, Rosan Bosch will give a talk at the library Bibliotheek Zoetermeer in the Netherlands. The...

28 August

Webinar on Dialogue between Architecture and Education

Flexible learning spaces is an important precondition to guarantee quality education. Working from this underlying...

21 August

Webinar on Transforming Education

The webinar Transformando la Educación by Élite Talks gathers experts on changes for schools where our experienced...

25 May

Online Talk for Rethinking Tomorrow for Telefonica Foundation

What learning environments do we need when schools reopen? For #RepensandoElMañana – Rethinking Tomorrow – by ...

30 April

Keynote at the Virtual TIES – The Inquiry Educators Summit

Students are becoming more independent learners during school closures. As a keynote speaker at TIES, Rosan Bosch...

15 April

ECIS Virtual Leadership Conference on Learning Ecosystems

We look forward to having Rosan Bosch as the keynote speaker at the esteemed conference that every year gather...

27 February

Inspiration for the Future School in Belgium

Societal changes are putting educational institutions under great pressure. With the GO! Inspiration Congress –...

29 January

Kickstarting Vocational School Merger in Hamburg

What will learning of the future look like? For the merger of two vocational schools, a sports hall, new student...

20 November

Keynote at SCHULBAU Salon & Messe in Frankfurt

The design of learning spaces has a significant impact on students' and teachers' behavior. In her keynote at the...

07 November

Keynote at the Future of Education Now festival

How can design shape learning of tomorrow? As keynote speaker at the Future of Education Now Festival, Rosan Bosch...

18 October

The Future of Education in Flanders

Cultivating skills for the 21st Century is on the agenda at SETT Gent 2019, where Rosan Bosch on October 23 will...

16 September

Change Processes as a Catalyst for Redevelopment

When teachers are involved in change processes of schools, it produces value for both educators and students. The...

03 September

Design Principles at Work in Frankfurt

How do you grasp the full potentials of a set of design principles? By putting them into practice! This is the aim...

30 August

Keynote on Rethinking Learning Spaces at KörberForum

Schools are under enormous pressure to change. As keynote speaker at the forum of the Körber Foundation, Rosan...

26 June

Keynote at the IB Global Conference in Abu Dhabi

For this year’s IB Global Conference, Rosan Bosch is keynote speaker and will share the studio’s approach to...

12 June

Keynote on Innovative Learning Environment in Berlin

Which learning environments will shape our future generations? This question is on the agenda for Aedes...

22 May

Preparing for the 2030 Education Goals at Desafío UNOi in Colombia

How do we face the educational challenges with 2030 in mind? For Desafío UNOi – the international congress for...

16 May

Rosan Bosch on Playful Learning at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

Effective designs of learning spaces are on the agenda at Harvard Graduate School of Education this summer. Rosan...

15 May

Rosan Bosch at Education Design Conference in Madrid

Why is it necessary to make a change to schools? How do we face the challenges of learning today? For the...

08 April

Rethinking Libraries in Puglia

Promoting reading and its venues are on the agenda for Leggere è Comunità – International Forum in the Puglia...

02 April

Keynote Speaker at the IB European Education Festival

Developing impactful learning communities is the goal of the first IB European Education Festival taking place in...

29 March

Rosan Bosch on Pedagogical Needs of the Future

We need to build schools for the pedagogical needs of the future, Rosan Bosch explained at the Latinamerican and...

28 March

Valinka Suenson Speaks on Creative Surroundings at Building Industry Conference in Oslo

How do we strengthen the skills that robots, machines and technology cannot replace? The question frames the...

24 March

Rosan Bosch Taking the Stage at Documentary Festival CPH:DOX

Friday evening Rosan Bosch took the stage for the screening of Bauhaus Spirit: 100 Years of Bauhaus at the...

29 June

Interview Watched by 500,000: Unleash Creativity in Schools

“If we develop a learning context, that allows each child to unleash all their potential – imagine what a society...

11 May

TEDx Video: Designing Schools Children Do Not Want to Leave

Schools today have a hard time motivating their students. Around the globe, the number of school dropouts is...

26 March

Meet Rosan Bosch at TEDxZaragoza

In April, Rosan Bosch is back on the TED scene. This time at TEDxZaragoza where she talks about how we design...

09 November

European Schoolnet Eminent Conference

Rosan Bosch is keynote speaker when representatives from the education industry across Europe meet on November 16...

31 October

Lecture at the Children's Food House in Copenhagen

On November 14, Rosan Bosch is doing a lecture at Copenhagen Food House. Copenhagen Food House has since 2007 been...

23 October

Design as a Source of Knowledge

Thursday the 26th of October, Rosan Bosch will be at the Museu del Disseny in Barcelona giving a talk about design...

31 August

How Can Design Inspire Change and Development?

Cristina Rocher, architect at the Studio, will speak at UIMP’s course ‘New pedagogies for times of perplexity’,...

25 April

How Can Design Inspire Us to Become Lifelong Learners?

Rosan Bosch will be speaking at the conference “XXIV Jornadas Pedagógicas: Pedagogía 3.0 - Innovar para...

04 April

Lecture and Workshop at University of Antwerp

On the 20th of April, Rosan Bosch will be introducing our 6 Design Principles at a lecture at the University of...

08 February

Construction and Furnishing of Future Offices

The decor of future offices will have a crucial impact on whether we are able to innovate and creatively solve the...

19 January

Design as a Tool for Development

Tonight the National Gallery of Denmark will be hosting the Design Manifesta 2017. Rosan Bosch has been invited to...

17 January

School Design Should be as Diverse as People

We live in a time of drastic change and transformation. Because the future is so impossible to predict, future...

02 May

Meet Rosan Bosch at Design Dialog #4: Local // Global

The vernacular and locally based craftsmanship has had a renaissance in recent years. Is the fascination really...

17 November

TEDx Indianapolis: Designing for a Better World Starts at School

Rosan Bosch has presented her big idea during the TEDx conference 2013 in Indianapolis. With the design of the...