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Rosan Bosch Studio Inspires Design Thinking for Libraries

2 February 2016
2 February 2016

Today we hold the salon 'The Great Learning Space' together with The Danish Culture Agency in Copenhagen Main Library. The Salon gathers leading forces from the school and library sector in Denmark to discuss the potentials of the national strategy of merging public libraries and school libraries these years.

"There is reason to believe, that the national strategy has potential to contribute to more than economic benefit for the municipalities. A joint program for the development of the new physical environment will be a valuable tool to address the profound changes that libraries and schools experience today," says Rosan Bosch.

The organizer behind the international initiative in education, No Right Brain Left Behind, Viktor Venson, will speak at the salon to inspire the common dialogue. Leading librarian, Birgitte Haugbøl, will present the case from Ullerslev library and Rosan Bosch will inspire with her knowledge and wide experience within library development.