Rosan Bosch | Journal

Rosan Bosch on Pedagogical Needs of the Future

Written by Journal | Mar 29, 2019 8:45:00 AM

We need to build schools for the pedagogical needs of the future, Rosan Bosch explained at the Latinamerican and Caribbean Congress on Educational Infrastructure in Panama.

For the region’s first conference on educational infrastructure, Rosan Bosch talked about how to design schools, so they don’t become out-of-date in a context of rapid technological development. After the conference, Rosan Bosch and the Viceminister of infrastructure Moisés Sánchez were interviewed for the national television channels Telemetro and Panamá Informa both stressing the importance of the physical space in the learning process.

The conference is arranged by the Ministry of Education of Panama and the Inter-American Development Bank.