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Rosan Bosch Highlighted in Book by Design Critic Alexandra Lange

5 July 2018
5 July 2018

The latest trend in school design is all about options for the students, says the prominent design critic Alexandra Lange. In her new book The Design of Childhood – How the Material World Shapes Independent Kids, she presents the work of Rosan Bosch as an example of progressive learning spaces full of opportunities.

Lange explains how the furniture by Rosan Bosch Studio provides support for the relationships, interaction and postures children adopt in school. The children are encouraged to move, change positions or place themselves on the floor to support their learning.

The book covers aspects of the material design of childhood – from toys to physical surroundings – and what effect they have on the development of children. Lange has adapted the chapter on schools and learning spaces into an article “The Future of School Design” for the magazine Architect, where Vittra Telefonplan and Rosan Bosch is featured as the leading story.