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Rethinking Libraries in Puglia

8 April 2019
8 April 2019

Promoting reading and its venues are on the agenda for Leggere è Comunità – International Forum in the Puglia Region in Italy. Based on results obtained by UNESCO International Forum on Cultural Policies in the Metropolitan areas, the international forum will bring together leading experts for the largest operation of cultural infrastructure in Italy.

Rosan Bosch will present her pedagogic approach to the library as a learning hub for the community in the section ‘Reading and Spaces’. Afterwards, she will follow up with a workshop where the participants will transform libraries into learning landscapes, to generate inputs and ideas for the functions of new library venues.

The insights from the forum will lay the groundwork to rethink the region’s more than 100 public libraries to boost access to culture by reading and to broaden social inclusion and cohesion.

The forum is taking place from the 8-10th of April in Bari, Puglia.