At this very moment, we have an immense opportunity to reinvent school. Rosan Bosch Studio has established a collaboration that can address the urgent need to reinvent the physical learning environment.
When schools and universities closed around the globe, many were able to establish digital emergency solutions. But as learning went online, we became increasingly aware of the importance of collaborative learning, explorative experimentation, and social interactions as part of the learning process. Many students have been empowered but not all have access to computers and internet and were left to watching lessons broadcasted on tv. Students with learning difficulties have struggled more than ever.
As schools are slowly reopening, we have a unique opportunity to reinvent learning environments with a focus on the tangible learning experience, flexible learning and differentiated learning landscapes. In many schools, the groups of students in a classroom are small and restrictions for social distancing apply. But we can learn anywhere and everywhere. Find areas that are not in use – or only used a few hours a day – and that can be activated for learning: outdoor areas, corridors, halls, gyms and canteens. All spaces are learning spaces.
We have created a modular, affordable and adaptable system that can be applied in many contexts and create agile and configurable learning environments. The steps are simple and the benefit is twofold: you solve the current space situation, and you discover new and innovative ways of learning.