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Online Talk for Rethinking Tomorrow for Telefonica Foundation

25 May 2020
25 May 2020

What learning environments do we need when schools reopen? For #RepensandoElMañana – Rethinking Tomorrow – by Espacio Fundación Telefónica Madrid, Rosan Bosch will share her reflections on what the spaces for learning should support and encourage.

With the strengthening of online education, we are more aware of how we concentrate, how we communicate with others and what are the possibilities and limits of digital. Learning how we learn is more relevant than ever. We need to utilize these insights when creating learning environments that act as catalysts for learning.

In the series of online talks arranged by Telefonica Foundation, experts in all sorts of disciplines are invited to share how the post-COVID-19 world will look like. Among the speakers are Saskia Sassen, Daniel Innerarity, Jordi Pérez Colomé, Marta Peirano, Paul Mason and Gerd Leonhard.

The talk will be aired on Tuesday, May 26 at 19:00 on the Espacio Fundación Telefónica Madrid website.