Rosan Bosch | Journal

New Book: No More Classrooms

Written by Journal | May 15, 2018 7:45:00 AM

Future generations will get jobs that do not exist today. How do we design schools that prepare them for tomorrow – and not yesterday? In her new book Designing for a Better World Starts at School, Rosan Bosch presents six thought-provoking design principles.

While the physical space of schools has been almost unchanged for centuries, the pedagogical methods and organisation of educational institutions have been updated and reformed. With the design principles for learning situations, Rosan Bosch enables schools to reshape the interior of buildings and innovate their approach to education.

In Designing for a Better World Starts at School, Rosan Bosch explains how design can be a strategic tool to drive a much-needed paradigm change in the way we educate future generations. The book is available on and other online bookstores.

Press release: Designing for a Better World Starts at School (pdf)