Rosan Bosch | Journal

Learning Labs Spark Innovation

Written by Journal | May 17, 2022 7:45:00 AM

Markham College Community’s learning labs is a design pilot for the new learning spaces designed for the primary year groups. The learning labs are developed to engage teachers and students in new ways of learning while the future-proof learning landscape, Markham College in Lima, Peru, is being built. The labs have been developed in close collaboration with the school’s management and teachers in the transition from uniform classroom settings to playful learning landscapes.

Teachers and students are now able to test innovative and collaborative learning experience. The labs are developed in the school’s current spaces and offers customized solutions for experimenting, exploring and influencing a differentiated approach to education. Rethinking learning in the school’s current spaces at San Antonio Campus enables both teachers and students to adapt to new learning situations before entering their future innovative learning landscape.

The labs offer customized design solutions among the existing material and furniture and enable teachers and students to explore new possibilities and develop new, innovative learning experiences. In the transition from classroom settings to playful learning landscapes, teachers are testing new ways of collaborating across groups and disciplines.

With a community-based organization, three groups of students are sharing a space in rotation and offered more differentiated learning in ways of collaborating, working hands-on and presenting ideas. Break-out spaces and rooms for immersion give students at Markham College Community Learning Labs more autonomy and choices in planning and executing their own learning journey.

The labs support project and inquiry-based learning in a familiar and safe space for testing the educational vision before entering the new building. 

Learn more about the design of Markham College here