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Learning Inspired by Marina Umaschi Bers: Learning by Coding

28 May 2020

Date 3/06/20 - 18:00

28 May 2020

Could coding be the first written language we learn? How can coding be playful and empowering? And can we turn coding into a vehicle for key learning experiences for children?

In our new Learning Inspired conversation, Rosan Bosch meets with the coding expert Marina Umaschi Bers to talk about coding as a playground for children. Based on her work developing play-based coding tools for children, she shares how working with coding can develop core skills for young children.

Marina Umaschi Bers


Marina Umaschi Bers has co-developed the innovative and amazing ScratchJr programming language in collaboration with Mitch Resnick from the MIT Media Lab and Paula Bonta from the PICO company. ScratchJr lets children (ages 5-7) code their own interactive stories and games. She is Professor and Chair at the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study & Human Development and an adjunct professor in the Computer Science Department at Tufts University. Her research involves the design and study of innovative learning technologies to promote children’s positive development.

Learning inspired


Rosan Bosch Studio has organized a series of Learning Inspired conversations where Rosan Bosch will meet online with international experts on learning, play, movement and brain activity. We will bring you insights and reflections on how we can use the closedown of schools and boost in online learning when the world returns to everyday life changed.