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Learning Inspired by Daniel Wilson: Collaborative Learning

6 April 2020
6 April 2020

Our Learning Inspired kicked off with a conversation between Daniel Wilson, director of Project Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Rosan Bosch.

Collaborative learning is essential today as it helps students to develop higher-level thinking skills, self-esteem and empathy. Therefore, collaboration is being promoted in schools and workplaces all over the world, although often without a deep understanding of how collaborative processes work best. Director Daniel Wilson will talk with Rosan Bosch about collaborative learning: How does it work? What are the differences between cooperating and co-creating? When is collaboration most effective? How can collaboration happen in a situation of online learning.

The conversation is in English with Spanish subtitles.

Daniel Wilson


Daniel Wilson is the Director of Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) where he is also a Principal Investigator, a Lecturer, and the Educational Chair at Harvard’s Learning Environments for Tomorrow Institute – a collaboration with HGSE and Harvard Graduate School of Design.

His teaching and research focus are on collaborative learning, making learning visible and professional learning in communities.

Learning Inspired


Rosan Bosch Studio has organized a series of Learning Inspired conversations where Rosan Bosch will meet online with international experts on learning, play, movement and brain activity. We will bring you insights and reflections on how we can use the closedown of schools and boost in online learning when the world returns to everyday life changed.