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Learning Inspired by Mercedes Miguel: Transforming Learning Systems

20 May 2020
20 May 2020

How to change a country’s educational system from within? How do we implement trust within the learning institutions? And If schools set a basis for the future society and job market, which way should we be going? 

For our next Learning Inspired conversation, Rosan Bosch will meet with Mercedes Miguel, former Secretary of the Ministry of Education in Argentina, to talk about transforming educational systems. Through her career, Mercedes Miguel advocates for experiential and meaningful learning for all and will share her experience on creating national wide impact through school reforms.

Mercedes Miguel


Mercedes Miguel is former Secretary of the Ministry of Education in Argentina. As Secretary, one of her main focuses was Secundaria 2030, an initiative to implement skill and project-based learning in the country’s secondary schools where drop-out rates were worryingly high. Mercedes Miguel was part of the UNESCO 2030 Committee and Chair of the educational group during the G20 in 2018. Besides, she has worked as General Director of Innovation in Education for Buenos Aires’ city council, and has a background as teacher, journalist and founder of initiatives such as “Enseña por Argentina” of the Global Network Teach for All.

Learning inspired


Rosan Bosch Studio has organized a series of Learning Inspired conversations where Rosan Bosch will meet online with international experts on learning, play, movement and brain activity. We will bring you insights and reflections on how we can use the closedown of schools and boost in online learning when the world returns to everyday life changed.