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Learning Inspired by Bo Stjerne Thomsen: Learning Through Playful Experiences

5 May 2020
5 May 2020

How is play essential for meaningful learning experiences? How can we implement play in our educational system? And what tools can we use to understand if we are doing a good job? 

In our new Learning Inspired conversation, Rosan Bosch talks to Bo Stjerne Thomsen, one of the leading experts at the LEGO Foundation, on the ways play can motivate and give more profound learning experiences. Based on research and insights from neuroscience, he explores what characterizes playful experiences and how play can develop not only knowledge but also the skills most important now and in the future.

The conversation is in English with Spanish subtitles.

Bo Stjerne Thomsen


Bo Stjerne Thomsen, PhD, is the Vice-President and Chair of Learning through Play in the LEGO Foundation. In his role as Chair, he is an expert at the highest level to the executive leadership on how children and adults learn through play. He provides consultation at the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels to international partners, leaders and advocacy. He has spent 9 years as Head of Research, building the research agenda and organizational expertise on children’s development, play and learning, in order for the LEGO Foundation to be the leading authority on learning through play.

Learning inspired


Rosan Bosch Studio has organized a series of Learning Inspired conversations where Rosan Bosch will meet online with international experts on learning, play, movement and brain activity. We will bring you insights and reflections on how we can use the closedown of schools and boost in online learning when the world returns to everyday life changed.