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Change Processes as a Catalyst for Redevelopment

16 September 2019
16 September 2019

When teachers are involved in change processes of schools, it produces value for both educators and students. The new learning environment becomes rooted in their daily activities, and the teachers are provided tools to actively use the environment in their teaching.

At Network for Schools and Learning, Rosan Bosch will talk about our process for teacher involvement based on the redevelopment of Buddinge School. With the design of Laboratory for New Learning Principles, we have created differentiated zones that invite active and varied learning. Rosan Bosch will share her thoughts behind the remodeling and the benefits that the open process has contributed to in the final result.

As part of the network meeting program, participants will visit Buddinge School, where school principal Trine Damgaard Bjerg will present the open learning landscape. The school's new learning environment sets the framework for an ambitious practical experiment, that will serve as an experience base for future school development in Gladsaxe Municipality.

Network for Schools and Learning are organized by Danish Association of Construction Clients and will at this meeting focus on how we create the optimal framework for learning environments and new learning principles.