GO! Campus Zottegem's Journey to Enhanced Learning Outcomes
Learning Gains at Basisschool KAZ GO! Campus Zottegem (Basisschool KAZ) in Belgium has achieved remarkable...
All the Way Through: Escola Eleva to Open in February 2024
A new campus of the bi-lingual Eleva Global Schools, acquired this year by the leading global group of premium...
The Future of Higher Education: Universidad de la Libertad and Humanitree School
Universidad de la Libertad and Humanitree School Hive and Flight were officially opened on the 4th of September...
Empowering Learners
Playful Learning at GO! Campus Zottegem
New book by Rosan Bosch
Partnership for Holistic Change
Happy New Year!
Why Taking Learning Outdoors Makes Sense
Webinar on Transforming Education
Rapid Reinventing School
Learning Inspired contd.
Inspiration for the Future School in Belgium
School of the Future at Stengård School
Founder Rosan Bosch Turning 50
Keynote at SCHULBAU Salon & Messe in Frankfurt
Planning Learning Spaces Available in Bookstores
Keynote at the Future of Education Now festival
The Future of Education in Flanders
Change Processes as a Catalyst for Redevelopment
Design Principles at Work in Frankfurt
Rethinking Libraries in Puglia
New Book: No More Classrooms
Meet Rosan Bosch at TEDxZaragoza
Space for Creative Thinking at New Aarch
European Schoolnet Eminent Conference
Design as a Source of Knowledge
Construction and Furnishing of Future Offices
Design as a Tool for Development
Changing Education with Design
GO! Campus Zottegem's Journey to Enhanced Learning Outcomes
Learning Gains at Basisschool KAZ GO! Campus Zottegem (Basisschool KAZ) in Belgium has achieved remarkable...
Why Taking Learning Outdoors Makes Sense
What’s a simple way to make more space available for schools? Going outdoors. With great opportunities for...
Learning Inspired by David Stephen: Changing Schools from the Inside Out
What is the secret behind the most agile schools? How can public schools benefit from strong school networks? And...
Learning Inspired by Trung Le: Learning with Nature
How can insights from nature inform the design of learning environments? How do we cultivate healthy ecosystems...
Learning Inspired by Marina Umaschi Bers: Learning by Coding
Could coding be the first written language we learn? How can coding be playful and empowering? And can we turn...
Learning Inspired by Mercedes Miguel: Transforming Learning Systems
How to change a country’s educational system from within? How do we implement trust within the learning...
Learning Inspired by Bo Stjerne Thomsen: Learning Through Playful Experiences
How is play essential for meaningful learning experiences? How can we implement play in our educational system?...
Learning Inspired by Pepe Sánchez: Exponential Learning
How can you learn to perform under stress? What do social contexts mean for young athletes? And what does a school...
Learning Inspired by Simone Kühn: The Learning Brain
What happens to our brain when we become isolated at home? How does the physical environment improve our ability...
Learning Inspired by María Acaso: Creativity and Art Thinking
Can art thinking make us more creative? How can we use art in education? And can we use art to get better through...
Learning Inspired by Marta Medved: Leading Schools
How are the most innovative schools tackling homeschooling and remote learning? As the leader of an...
Learning Inspired by Alfredo Hernando: Innovative Teaching
How are the most innovative school dealing with the school lockdowns? In this Learning Inspired conversation,...
Learning Inspired by Daniel Wilson: Collaborative Learning
Our Learning Inspired kicked off with a conversation between Daniel Wilson, director of Project Zero at Harvard...
Play as the Driving Force for a Better and Shorter Treatment at the New Children's Hospital BørneRiget
The physical environment has a decisive impact on patients' healing process. However, recent studies show that...
GO! Campus Zottegem's Journey to Enhanced Learning Outcomes
Learning Gains at Basisschool KAZ GO! Campus Zottegem (Basisschool KAZ) in Belgium has achieved remarkable...
All the Way Through: Escola Eleva to Open in February 2024
A new campus of the bi-lingual Eleva Global Schools, acquired this year by the leading global group of premium...
The Future of Higher Education: Universidad de la Libertad and Humanitree School
Universidad de la Libertad and Humanitree School Hive and Flight were officially opened on the 4th of September...
The Garzón School in Uruguay is an Ecosystem for Natural Growth
Set amidst 38 hectares of untamed Uruguayan countryside above the nation’s famous golden coast, The Garzón School...
Designed to Foster Collaborative Learning
The new design for Roberto Rocca Technical School is a state-of-the-art environment for collaborative learning and...
Empowering Learners
The design for International School of Nice is informed by ambitious pedagogical visions to motivate and empower...
Learning Labs Spark Innovation
Markham College Community’s learning labs is a design pilot for the new learning spaces designed for the primary...
Rosan Bosch on Designing for Uncertainty at Festival de las Ideas
In the city Puebla, Mexico, thousands of people gathered on March 31st to April 2nd to hear new progressive ideas...
Agora Madrid International School Prepares Students for the Unexpected
In collaboration with Rosan Bosch Studio, Agora is developing a new holistic learning environment to encourage...
Playful Learning at GO! Campus Zottegem
The public school GO! Campus Zottegem in Belgium is designed as a response to one simple question: how do children...
A look inside International Sharing School in Portugal
International Sharing School strives to foster open-minded, life-long learners through a supportive, respectful...
New book by Rosan Bosch
Play to Learn – Designing for Uncertainty is a hands-on inspirational guide to creating holistic design solutions...
Our Winning Design Proposal for the New Public School in Zandbergen
Our winning design proposal for the new public primary school GO! Klim Op in Zandbergen inBelgium offers...
New School Gives Direction for Flexible Learning During Pandemics
Learning and educating must go on. Designed to operate during a pandemic, the new Lower School building of Markham...
Learning Strategies Integrated in the Architecture of GO! Campus Zottegem
The play-fueled public school, GO! Campus Zottegem, Belgium, opens March 31st 2021. As the first of its kind in...
The new 21st century Beaconhouse flagship school
The new TNS Beaconhouse School in Lahore presents an iconic building design with the philosophy of Reggio Emilia...
Partnership for Holistic Change
Rosan Bosch Studio has launched a collaboration and partnership with internationally recognized pedagogical...
Happy New Year!
In 2020, we learned that creativity is crucial when we look for solutions for a global crisis like the pandemic....
Wonder DIY – Build Your Own School Anywhere
Available now, your child’s own DIY home school and learning space. Playful learning is at the heart of the design...
Rapid Reinventing School
At this very moment, we have an immense opportunity to reinvent school. Rosan Bosch Studio has established a...
Learning Inspired contd.
We continue with new conversations where Rosan Bosch meets with passionate, visionary and knowledgeable educators,...
Framing Children’s Growth at St. Andrew’s Scots School
The older you grow at St. Andrew’s Scots School, the more independence you gain. In the new learning landscapes...
School of the Future at Stengård School
When the youngest children at Stengård School started their school year, it was in a new and differentiated...
Workshops with the International Sharing School
We are happy to start 2020 with a lot of new exciting projects for learners all over the world. We are kicking off...
Founder Rosan Bosch Turning 50
When Rosan Bosch on November 29 celebrates her 50th birthday, the day also commemorates her more than two decades...
Rosan Bosch Part of the Jury for the Danish Design Award 2020
The Danish Design Award honors the best design solutions and shows how design can make a difference in our...
Planning Learning Spaces Available in Bookstores
New Learning Spaces Ready at the Western Academy of Beijing
Maximizing learning for all students is at the heart of the new learning environment at the Western Academy of...
Worlds of Playful Discoveries at Eureka Primary School
Imagine starting school in thematic worlds made for singing, constructing, painting and exploring! This is how...
Teaching Playful Learning at Harvard Graduate School of Education
Playful environments are ideal for learning because children are motivated to experiment, create and start...
+PLAY Puts Focus on Play and Learning
+PLAY is a new design company that combines play and learning, creativity and technology. In services and product...
Pilot Projects for the New Public Full-Day School in Hamburg
With two pilot projects for schools, our studio is creating innovative learning environments for new full-day...
The Future of Learning at the Western Academy of Beijing
Learners need to be the center of their education. This is the commitment of FLoW21, the innovative educational...
Open Workshop for the New Norwegian Ibsen Library
Citizens need to have a say in the design of their city’s central venue: the library. For libraries are no longer...
Shortlisted for Danish Design Award 2019
The jury of the Danish Design Award 2019 has shortlisted two of our design solutions for Glasir – Tórshavn College...
Opening of Lab for New Learning Principles at Buddinge School
Experiments have officially begun! This Monday the student council at Buddinge School cut the red ribbon to Lab...
We Won! Bringing Play and Imagination to BS KA School Zottegem
Our concept for playful learning spaces is part of the winning proposal for campus BS KA school Zottegem in...
Daylight Beams into Modern Visitor Center for VELUX
With an experience design rich in natural light, we activate the skylight in VELUX Collection. For the...
Grand Opening of Glasir’s Interdisciplinary Learning Space
In BIG's whirlwind architecture, we have designed an innovative learning environment that will shape future...
Charles Brooking's Unique Collection of Windows at VILLUM Window Collection
Wall of Windows presents highlights from Charles Brooking's comprehensive window archives. For the next two years,...
New Manual: When the Vision Stays in Focus
Grand visions easily become elusive in a construction process. Therefore, we have developed a quality system that...
IDA Design Awards: Gold and Silver in Interior Design
We’re proud to announce that two of our projects have been awarded with IDA Design Awards. In the category of...
New Book: No More Classrooms
Future generations will get jobs that do not exist today. How do we design schools that prepare them for tomorrow...
Innovative User Process in Argentinian Schools
The participants in our workshop have outlined the future school in Argentina. As part of rethinking how children...
Space for Creative Thinking at New Aarch
With our bid for the design of the new school of architecture in Aarhus, New Aarch, we challenge students and...
We Are Part of the Competition to Innovate the Foyer of Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art
We have been appointed by the Danish Arts Foundation's Arts Committee for Design and Crafts to hand-in a proposal,...
Tiller High School in Norway Will Set New Standards for Learning
The Tiller school will be a role model for other schools in Norway when the school is transformed to support the...
We Are Part of the Winning Team for the Children Hospital BørneRiget
Playfully logic is the title of BørneRiget’s winning proposal, the new hospital in Copenhagen for children,...
Nominated for Building of the Year Award 2017
The 2017 Building of the Year Awards has just been launched on ArchDaily and we are excited to tell you that the ...
Rosan Bosch Talks Innovation in Education with Argentina's Minister of Education
#ExpeditionforEducation continues this month as Rosan Bosch pays a visit to Buenos Aires. On this occasion Esteban...
Løkken Library Celebrates the Inauguration of a New Interior Fit-Out
The new building fit out of Løkken Library is a consequence of a reallocation of the library facilities to the...
Two of Rosan Bosch Studio's Projects Have Been Nominated for the Danish Design Award 2016
The category ‘Better Learning' is awarded solutions that lead to new ways of learning and educating. The award is...
Rosan Bosch Studio Inspires Design Thinking for Libraries
Today we hold the salon 'The Great Learning Space' together with The Danish Culture Agency in Copenhagen Main...
Our Studio Wins Prestigious Lighting Award for VILLUM Window Collection
Rosan Bosch Studio’s project VILLUM Window Collection has been chosen unanimously by a jury as the winner of the...
Vittra Telefonplan Included as Pioneer Example in Prestigious Research Project
Rosan Bosch Studios ground-breaking design solution for the Swedish free school, Vittra Telefonplan, is included...
Keynote on Improving Digital Learning at EdCrunch
With the boost in online education, educators are gaining valuable insights on both the possibilities as well of...
Presenting the New TNS Beaconhouse School Building
As a keynote speaker for this year’s virtual School of Tomorrow (SoT) Conference, Rosan Bosch will share the...
Talk on Creative Learning Spaces at Arts University Bournemouth
How can learners advance in creative fields when studio spaces and workshops are limited due to restrictions?...
Panelist on Wellbeing Summit by Tecmilenio University
Prioritizing welfare is crucial during the many pandemic safety restrictions. For the Wellbeing 360° Summit Rosan...
Panelist at Webinar Series hosted by Dr. Ger Graus OBE
How has the pandemic affected schools? In the webinar series #TheNewNormal, the esteemed Dr. Ger Graus OBE brings...
Keynote for “Education Transform People” by Mind Mingle
Leading women in education will gather for this year’s Mind Mingle Inspiration Festival. The online event presents...
Keynote on Innovation in Education for Innova Educa 21
New scenarios for learning are on the agenda across the globe – and also for this year’s Innova Educa 21. Rosan...
Introducing Up-Coming Book on Playful Learning Spaces
For her upcoming book, Rosan Bosch will give a talk at the library Bibliotheek Zoetermeer in the Netherlands. The...
Webinar on Dialogue between Architecture and Education
Flexible learning spaces is an important precondition to guarantee quality education. Working from this underlying...
Webinar on Transforming Education
The webinar Transformando la Educación by Élite Talks gathers experts on changes for schools where our experienced...
Online Talk for Rethinking Tomorrow for Telefonica Foundation
What learning environments do we need when schools reopen? For #RepensandoElMañana – Rethinking Tomorrow – by ...
Keynote at the Virtual TIES – The Inquiry Educators Summit
Students are becoming more independent learners during school closures. As a keynote speaker at TIES, Rosan Bosch...
ECIS Virtual Leadership Conference on Learning Ecosystems
We look forward to having Rosan Bosch as the keynote speaker at the esteemed conference that every year gather...
Inspiration for the Future School in Belgium
Societal changes are putting educational institutions under great pressure. With the GO! Inspiration Congress –...
Kickstarting Vocational School Merger in Hamburg
What will learning of the future look like? For the merger of two vocational schools, a sports hall, new student...
Keynote at SCHULBAU Salon & Messe in Frankfurt
The design of learning spaces has a significant impact on students' and teachers' behavior. In her keynote at the...
Keynote at the Future of Education Now festival
How can design shape learning of tomorrow? As keynote speaker at the Future of Education Now Festival, Rosan Bosch...
The Future of Education in Flanders
Cultivating skills for the 21st Century is on the agenda at SETT Gent 2019, where Rosan Bosch on October 23 will...
Change Processes as a Catalyst for Redevelopment
When teachers are involved in change processes of schools, it produces value for both educators and students. The...
Design Principles at Work in Frankfurt
How do you grasp the full potentials of a set of design principles? By putting them into practice! This is the aim...
Keynote on Rethinking Learning Spaces at KörberForum
Schools are under enormous pressure to change. As keynote speaker at the forum of the Körber Foundation, Rosan...
Keynote at the IB Global Conference in Abu Dhabi
For this year’s IB Global Conference, Rosan Bosch is keynote speaker and will share the studio’s approach to...
Keynote on Innovative Learning Environment in Berlin
Which learning environments will shape our future generations? This question is on the agenda for Aedes...
Preparing for the 2030 Education Goals at Desafío UNOi in Colombia
How do we face the educational challenges with 2030 in mind? For Desafío UNOi – the international congress for...
Rosan Bosch on Playful Learning at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Effective designs of learning spaces are on the agenda at Harvard Graduate School of Education this summer. Rosan...
Rosan Bosch at Education Design Conference in Madrid
Why is it necessary to make a change to schools? How do we face the challenges of learning today? For the...
Rethinking Libraries in Puglia
Promoting reading and its venues are on the agenda for Leggere è Comunità – International Forum in the Puglia...
Keynote Speaker at the IB European Education Festival
Developing impactful learning communities is the goal of the first IB European Education Festival taking place in...
Rosan Bosch on Pedagogical Needs of the Future
We need to build schools for the pedagogical needs of the future, Rosan Bosch explained at the Latinamerican and...
Valinka Suenson Speaks on Creative Surroundings at Building Industry Conference in Oslo
How do we strengthen the skills that robots, machines and technology cannot replace? The question frames the...
Rosan Bosch Taking the Stage at Documentary Festival CPH:DOX
Friday evening Rosan Bosch took the stage for the screening of Bauhaus Spirit: 100 Years of Bauhaus at the...
Interview Watched by 500,000: Unleash Creativity in Schools
“If we develop a learning context, that allows each child to unleash all their potential – imagine what a society...
TEDx Video: Designing Schools Children Do Not Want to Leave
Schools today have a hard time motivating their students. Around the globe, the number of school dropouts is...
Meet Rosan Bosch at TEDxZaragoza
In April, Rosan Bosch is back on the TED scene. This time at TEDxZaragoza where she talks about how we design...
European Schoolnet Eminent Conference
Rosan Bosch is keynote speaker when representatives from the education industry across Europe meet on November 16...
Lecture at the Children's Food House in Copenhagen
On November 14, Rosan Bosch is doing a lecture at Copenhagen Food House. Copenhagen Food House has since 2007 been...
Design as a Source of Knowledge
Thursday the 26th of October, Rosan Bosch will be at the Museu del Disseny in Barcelona giving a talk about design...
How Can Design Inspire Change and Development?
Cristina Rocher, architect at the Studio, will speak at UIMP’s course ‘New pedagogies for times of perplexity’,...
How Can Design Inspire Us to Become Lifelong Learners?
Rosan Bosch will be speaking at the conference “XXIV Jornadas Pedagógicas: Pedagogía 3.0 - Innovar para...
Lecture and Workshop at University of Antwerp
On the 20th of April, Rosan Bosch will be introducing our 6 Design Principles at a lecture at the University of...
Construction and Furnishing of Future Offices
The decor of future offices will have a crucial impact on whether we are able to innovate and creatively solve the...
Design as a Tool for Development
Tonight the National Gallery of Denmark will be hosting the Design Manifesta 2017. Rosan Bosch has been invited to...
School Design Should be as Diverse as People
We live in a time of drastic change and transformation. Because the future is so impossible to predict, future...
Meet Rosan Bosch at Design Dialog #4: Local // Global
The vernacular and locally based craftsmanship has had a renaissance in recent years. Is the fascination really...
TEDx Indianapolis: Designing for a Better World Starts at School
Rosan Bosch has presented her big idea during the TEDx conference 2013 in Indianapolis. With the design of the...
Rosan Bosch Highlighted in Book by Design Critic Alexandra Lange
The latest trend in school design is all about options for the students, says the prominent design critic...
Rosan Bosch Calls for a Paradigm Shift in the Way We Think About Learning on CNN
The future calls for schools where differentiated and inspiring learning landscapes replace the traditional...
Changing Education with Design
"The core challenge when speaking about creating optimal conditions for learning, is that our society develops in...
Publication of 'Spaces for Innovation - the Design and Science of Inspiring Environments'
Our innovative school designs are part of Frames' new publication 'Spaces for Innovation – The Design and Science...
Rosan Bosch in National Spanish Newspaper: "The Physical School Environment Matters"
"The Dutch designer Rosan Bosch revolutionizes the learning space," writes the national Spanish newspaper El País...
Blogging for Danish Design Centre: To Design a Better World, We Need to Start with School
"In my view, the primary success criterion for today’s and tomorrow’s school design should be that students and...
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