New Projects
Are you interested in collaborating with us on a new project? Please contact CEO Farid Fellah.
Talks, Lectures and Workshops
Rosan Bosch is a popular speaker at conferences, seminars, and academic events around the world. For inquiries, please contact Executive Assistant Lina Becerra.
Press Requests
If you have questions, want to arrange an interview, or need photos and illustrations for an article about Rosan Bosch Studio, please contact our press and media department.
Internship and Careers
Do you want to work with projects that make a positive change by creating spaces for creativity, curiosity and learning through play? Send your application along with a portfolio and CV.
Contact the Team
Looking for someone particular? Check out the team of the studio for direct contact info.
Rosan Bosch Studio
Langebrogade 6B, 1.
1411 Copenhagen K
CVR: 3339 3237
Rosan Bosch Studio
C. de San Vicente Ferrer, 61
28015 Madrid
NIF: B02907772